1 Flickerless 3-D Laser Video Disc System, Television Technology in Transition, pp.95-106(1988) T.Hioki, T.Toyama, Y.Morita, H.Watanabe, H.Isono, M.Yasuda, H.Kusaka
2 A New Eye Movement Analyzer: Auto Calibration and Wireless Transmission, IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society 11th annual International Conference, Biomechanics of Posture and Seating (1989) Tadahiko Fukuda, Mitsuo Hirota
3 Objective Evaluation of the Feeling of Depth in 2D or 3D Images Using the Convergence Angle of the Eyes, SPIE Vol. 1453 Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital DisplayⅡ, pp.51-57(1991)
4 Quality factors of hand-written characters based on human visual perception, SPIE Vol. 1453 Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital DisplayⅡ, pp.43-50(1991), Takahito KATO
5 Binocular eye movement in the case of showing a moving stimulus to one eye only, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Eye Movements, Kenya Uomori
6 New Gaze Analyzer which considers both Head and Eye Movement and Its Application to Eye and Head Coordination Analysis, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Eye Movements, pp.106-107
7 Analysis of Eye Movement in Visual Search, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Eye Movements, Hitoshi Hongo, Keiichi Ueno
8 A Fractal Dimension Analysis of Binocular Miniaure Eye Movement Drift Components, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Eye Movements, Hiroshi Yoshimatsu
9 Factors Determining the Quality of Han-Written Characters Analysed by the Difference of the Scan Paths, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Eye Movements, Takahito Kato
10 The Disorganization of Visual Cognitive Function in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)- Comparative Study of AD with Developing Children, Alzheimer’s Disease: Biochemistry and Clinical Studies, Society for Neroscience Abstracts, Vol.16, 120.10, p.283(1990) M.Fujii, S.Murakami, J.Miyazawa, R.Fukatsu, N.Nakano, Y.Aizawa, T.Saito, N.Takahata, T.Fukuda
11 Eye-Head Coordination while viewing a Target on a Two-Dimensional Plane, , Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol.13, No.5, pp.2159-2161, 1991
12 The Significance of Viewing Time in the Visual Fixation Process, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol.13, No.5, pp.2156-2158, 1991 H.Hongo
13 High Dimensional Chaos of Miniature Eye Movements, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol.13, No.4, pp.1513-1515, 1991 H.Yoshimatsu
14 Binocular Fixation-point Shifts Induced by a Limb Oclussion, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol.14, pp.1670-1671, 1992 Hiroaki Kudo, Kenya Uomori, Noboru Ohnishi, Noboru Sugie
15 The Retinal Camera with the Function of Showing Stable Stimuli on the Same Position of the Retina, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol.14, pp.1672-1673, 1992, Takahito Kato
16 Visuo-Constructional Disturbance in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease, Society for Neroscience Abstracts, 306.18, Vol.18,1992, M.Fujii, S.Murakami, R.Fukatsu, N.Nakano, N.Takahata, T.Ishikane
17 Characteristics of Gazing eye movement for different depth targets in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease, Society for Neroscience Abstracts, 306.5, Vol.18,1992, K.Uomori, H.Yoshimatsu, M.Fujii, S.Murakami, R.Fukatsu, N.Takahata, M.Watanabe
18 Visuo-spatial-language function in the patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Third International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease, Vol.13, Supplement1, Pergamon Press,31, S8 (1992), Fujii.M., Nakano N., Fukatsu R., Murakami S., Miyazawa J., Takahata N., Ueno.K., Fukuda.T., Hayashi. S.
19 Disorganized eye and head coordination system in the patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Third International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease, Vol.13, Supplement1, Pergamon Press, 528, S24 (1992), Utsumi.K., Murakami.S., Fujii.M., Fukatsu R., Nakano N., Miyazawa J., Takahata N., Hongo H., Uomori K., Yoshimatsu H., Ueno k.
20 Disorgnized eye movement during copying in Alzheimer’s Disease related to head position, Third International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease, Vol.13, Supplement1, Pergamon Press, 529, S24 (1992), Murakami S., Fujii M., Fukatsu R., Miyazawa J., Nakano N., Utsumi K., Hayashi S., Takahata N., Uomori K., Hongo H., Yoshimatsu H., Ueno K., Fukuda T.
21 Eye-head coordination in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, XXV International Congress of Psychology, International Journal of Psychology, Vol.27, Issues3 and 4 , IN079.7, pp.394, June/August(1992), Utsumi K., Murakami S., Hongo H., Fujii M., Nakano N., Fukatsu R., Takahata N.
22 Effects of visual cognition (stimuli) and visual memory on drawing cube in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, XXV International Congress of Psychology, International Journal of Psychology, Vol.27, Issues3 and 4 , IN081.6, pp.398, June/August(1992), Murakami S., Nakano N., Miyazwa J., Fukatsu R., Takahata N.
23 Head position and eye movements during copying in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease, XXV International Congress of Psychology, International Journal of Psychology, Vol.27, Issues3 and 4 , IN081.10, pp.398, June/August(1992), Murakami S., Fujii M., Fukatsu R., Nakano N., Miyazawa J., Takahata N.
24 Integral three-dimensional video system, Three-Dimensional Video and Display: Devices and Systems, Critical Reviews of Optical Science and Technology, Vol. CR76, pp.90-116(2000), Fumio Okano, Haruo Hoshino, Jun Arai, Ichiro Yuyama
25 .Integral 3D video system , SPIE, IT-2000, CR76-04,F.Okano, H.Hoshino,
J.Arai, I. Yuyama
26Development of eye-movement analysis equipment for clarifying the visual characteristics of moving images.,,IMQA,2005,M.Saito, Y.Ogata, Nagoya(2006)
27 Perception of digitally deteriorated image while pursuing a speedily moving target.,IMQA,2007, Y.Ogata,M.Saito, Chiba(2007)
28 Modeling lip movements and extracting the contens of the speech, MJISAT2007, T. Yanagi, A. Sakamato, Malaysia(2007)
29 Consideration of the accuracy of the smooth pursuit eye movement among
various type of displays, IMQA2008, K.Nawa, A.Seita, Y. Ogata Kyoto(2008)
30 Investigation of the influence of display type on smooth pursuit eye
movement when viewing a moving image,Yuusuke Horie, Yuta Kawamura, Akiyuki
Seita, Mitsuho YamadaIMQA2010,pp.78-83
31 Accuracy of smooth pursuit eye movement and perception rate of a false
contour while pursuing a rapidly moving image,Yuusuke Horie, Yuta Kawamura,
Akiyuki Seita, Mitsuho Yamada IMQA2010,pp.109-114
32 The Infuluence on Human of Long Hours of Viewing 3D Movies, Yuta Kawamura,
Yusuke Horie, Keisuke Sano, Hiroya Kodama, Mitsuho Yamada: The Fifth International
Workshop on Image Media Quality and its Applications, IMQA2011, October
4-5, 2011, Kyoto,Japan, pp.117-122
33 Comparison of Frontal Lobe Activity by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy during
3D Movie Viewing, Yuta Kawamura, Kaori Takeuchi, Naoki Tsunoda, Yuta Shiratori,
Mitsuho Yamada, IWAIT2013, Nagoya, JAPAN, pp. 860 - 864
34 Comparison of Eye Movement and Head Movement When Reading Books on Various
Displays,Kei Kikuchi, Hideaki Takahira, Ryoichi Ishikawa, Tatsuya Shinkawa,
Mitsuho Yamada, IWAIT2013, p.778, Nagoya
35 The Investigation of Eye Movement Characteristics in the Case of 3D
Image Viewing with Captions, Hiroya Kodama Yusuke Horie Keisuke Sano Mitsuho
Yamada: IMQA2011
36 3D Program Production Studio and Analysis of Vergence Eye Movement when
Viewing a 3D Pilot Program, Keisuke Sano Hiroya Kodama Yusuke Horie
Mitsuho Yamada: IMQA2011
37 Change of Convergence Angle and Accommodation when Viewing a 3D Movie,
Yuki Shibuta, Yuta Kawamura, Hiroya Kodama, Yuta Shiratori, Mitsuho Yamada,
IWAIT2013, Nagoya, JAPAN, pp. 552 – 556
38 Utterance Recognition Using Lip Movements, Eiki Wakamatsu, Kei Kikuchi,
39 Vergence Eye Movement and Accommodation While Viewing 2D High-Definition
Moving Images,Yuki Kawachi, Keisuke Sano, Yuta Shiratori,Hiroya Kodama,Mitsuho
40 The Analysis of Vergence Movement, Accommodation and Subjective Evaluation
While Viewing High-Definition Moving Images,Yuki Kawachi, Keisuke Sano,Kei
Meguro, Mitsuho Yamada,IMQA2013,pp.119–125,2013.
Hideaki Takahira, Ryoichi Ishikawa, Eiki Wakamatsu, Tatsuya Shinkawa,
Mitsuho Yamada IMQA2013
42 Yuuki Shibuta,Yuta Kawamura, Hiroya Kodama, Yuta Shiratori, Mitsuho
Yamada (Tokai Univ.):Convergence while viewing a 3D Movie and its relation
to accommodation, IMQA2013
43 Analysis of Vergence While Viewing 3D Visual Effect and 3D Caption,
Yuta Shiratori, Izumi Takahashi, Keisuke Sano, Yuki Shibuta, Mitsuho Yamada
44 Eye movement of the vertical writing and lateral writing in a digital
book display,Ryo Ishikawa,Ryuji Hiraki, Hideaki Takahira, Kei Kikuchi,
Mitsuho Yamada, IMQ2013,113-118
45 Development and measurement of an automatic word recognition by lip
movements,Eiki Wakamatsu,Kei Kikuchi, Mitsuho Yamada, IMQA2013,108-112
46 Proposal for a bidirectional automobile operation simulation system,
Gaku Iizuka, Misako Ito, Yuushi Akahori, Mtsuho Yamada, IMQA2013,98-102
Ishikawa, Kei Kikuchi, Tatsuya Shinkawa, Mitsuho Yamada, IMQA2013,42-47
48 Eye Movements while reading E-books,Hideaki Takahira, Ryo Ishikawa,
Kei Kikuchi, Mitsuho Yamada, SID2014,45,1, 1111-1114
49 Analysis of the Fundamental Characteristics of the Movement of Gaze
and Hand When Holding an e-Book in the Hand, Kei Kikuchi, Hideaki Takahira,
Ryouichi Ishikawa, Eki Wakamatsu, Mitsuho Yamada: SID 2014,45,1, 1111-1118
511Fundamental characteristics of movement of gaze and hand when indexing
a target” Kei Kikuchi, Hideaki Takahira, Ryoichi Ishikawa, Mitsuho Yamada:
“, IMQA2014,48-51
DRIVING SIMULATION SYSTEM,Gaku Iizuka,Yuuya Nishimura,Kiichi Suzuki
,Eiki Wakamatsu,Hideaki Takahira,Mitsuho Yamada,IMQA2014,72-95
51 Analysis of change of accommodation and convergence dependence on the
display methods when a target moves along the depth direction,Yuuki Yokoyama,Kei
Kikuchi,Hideaki Takahira,Mitsuho Yamada,IMQA2014,38-43
52 Analysis of Fundamental Characteristics of Eye and Head Movement When
Indexing a Target With the Finger”Kei Kikuchi, Hideaki Takahira, Mitsuho
Yamada, IDW2014,VHHp1-9,1037-1041
53 Analysis of Convergence and Accommodation While Viewing 3D Movies,Yuuta
Shiratori, Momoko KitadeHideaki Takahira,Shinya Mochiduki,Mitsuho Yamada,VHFp1-9,
54 Analysis of Accommodation and Convergence While Viewing,4K Images, Hideaki
Takahira, Shinya Mochiduki, Yuuki Yokoyama, Mitsuho Yamada,VHPp1-8,IDW2014,1041-1044
55 Changes in accommodation and convergence for a real target, a 2D display
and a 3D display when the target moves in the depth direction,Shinya Mochiduki,Yuuki
Yokoyama, Mitsuho Yamada,Hideaki Takahira,,VHPp1-6,IDW2014,1033-1036
56Analysis of the dependence of accommodation and convergence on the display
method when a target moves in the depth direction,Yuuki Yokoyama,Shinya
Mochiduki,Hideaki Takahira,Mitsuho YamadaIDW2014,Volume21, VHFp1-10 ,1049-1052
57 The Utility of the SQLite Database for An Utterance Training Method
Based On Lip Movements, Yuko Hoshino, Eiki Wakamatsu, Mitsuho Yamada,2nd
International Workshop on Computer Application Technologies (IWCAT2014)
58 Proposal for an Utterance Training Method Based on Lip Movements, Eiki
Wakamatsu, Yuko Hoshino,Mitsuho Yamada,IMQA2014, 44-47
59 Dependence on The Display Methods of Change in Accommodation and Convergence
When a Target Moves Along the Depth Direction,Yuki Yokoyama,Shinya Mochiduki,Hideaki
Takahira,Mitsuho Yamada,MVA2015 IAPR International Conference on Machine
Vision Applications,410-413
60 Measurement of a driver's mental state using a 4K driving simulator,Gaku
Iizuka,Yuuta Saito,Mitsuho Yamada, CCATS2015, Matsue,67-71
61 Development of Measurement System of Changes in Accommodation and Convergence
at the Same Time and Measurement of its Accuracy,Yuki Yokoyama,Shinya Mochiduki,
Hideaki Takahira, Mitsuho Yamada, CCATS 2015,Matsue,58-61
62 Development of an Empathy Measuring System While Watching Images,"
"Hideaki Takahira, Shinya Mochiduki, Mitsuho. Yamada, CCATS 2015,
63 Analysis of Gazing Points While Viewing Super-High-Definition Images
at Various Viewing Positions, Shinya Mochiduki, Hideaki Takahira, Mitsuho
Yamada, CCATS 2015,Matsue,54-57
64 Development of a Speech Training System by Lip Movements,Tomoki Yamamura,Miyuki
Suganuma,Eiki Wakamatsu,Yuko Hoshino,Mitsuho Yamada, CCATS 2015,Matsue,62-65
65 The learning data management of the utterance learning system using
lip movements recognition, Yuko Hoshino, Tomoki Yamamura,Mitsuho Yamada,
CCATS 2015,Matsue,118-125
66 Measurement of an Empathy While Watching Images,Hideaki Takahira, Shinya
Mochiduki, Mitsuho. Yamada, GCCE2015, pp.453-457
67 Measurement System of Accommodation and Convergence At the Same Time
Yuki Yokoyama, Shinya Mochiduki,Hideaki Takahira,Mitsuho Yamada,2015 IEEE
4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2015) ,214-217
68 Analysis of Head Movement When Viewing A Wide-Viewing-Angle Display,Shinya
Mochiduki, Hideaki Takahira,Mitsuho Yamada,2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference
on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2015) ,433-437
69 Development of 4K driving simulator and Measurement of eye movement
physiological data during the driving,Gaku Iizuka, Yuta Saito, Mitsuho
Yamada,2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2015)
70 How to evaluate English pronunciation learning by lip movements,Miyuki SUGANUMA Tomoki YAMAMURA Yuko HOSHINO and
Mitsuho YAMADA
71 Analysis of Gazing Point from Different Viewing Distances and Positions,
Shinya MOCHIDUKI Reina WATANABE Hideaki TAKAHIRA and Mitsuho YAMADA, IMQA2016,
72 Development of two Peolple's Gaze Measuring System, Hideaki Takahira,
Shinya Mochiduki, Misuho Yamada, IMQA 2016, Nagoya
73 Measurement of Accommodation and Convergence When a Display and 3D Movie
Were Moved Along the Depth Direction Simultaneously,Yuuki Yokoyama, Keigo
Sukegawa, Shinya Mochiduki, Hideaki Takahira, Mitsuho Yamad,IMQA2016,Nagoya
74 Study on Incongruence between Binocular Images When Gazing at the Rim
a Column with Equiluminance Random Dots,Shinya Mochiduki,Reina WatanabeMiyuki
Suganama,Hiroaki Kudo,Noboru Ohnishi,Mitsuho Yamada,Conference Proceedings
of ICSSB 2017,ICSSB-0048,162-170,July 2017
75 Development of a Device Using Vibrators to Improve Attention Level while
Driving,Hirotaka Maruyama,Mitsuho Yamada,Proceedings of IDW 2017,VHFp1
- 1,1073-1075,Dec. 2017
76 Analysis of head movement and eye movement while gazing image from short
distance,Shinya Mochiduki,Aoi Tanaka,Mitsuho Yamada,Proceedings of IDW2017,VHFp3
- 3,1088-1090,Dec. 2017
77 Fatigue Evaluation by Paralanguage Recognition and Gazing-Point Analysis,Miyuki
Suganama,Yuuki Kurosawa,Shinya Mochiduki,Yuko Hoshino,Mitsuho Yamada,Proceedings
of IDW2017,VHFp3 - 4,1091-1094,Dec. 2017
78 Development of a Novel Accurate Analysis System Regarding Information
Processing Within the Gaze Point,Proceedings of IDW2017,VHFp3 - 10L,1114-1117,Dec.
79 The effect of sound effects on Eye movements and head movement
And examination of subjective evaluation,Yasuyoshi Kobayashi,Shinya Mochiduki,Miyuki
Suganuma,Mitsuho Yamada,The Ninth International Workshop on Image Media
Quality and its Applications, IMQA2018,73-78,2018
SIZE,Reiko Koyama,Riko Nakagawa,Miyuki Suganuma,Shinya Mochiduki, Mitsuho
Yamada,The Ninth International Workshop on Image Media Quality and its
Applications, IMQA2018,103-109,2018
81 Detection of Incongruity between Binocular Retinal Images for Yellow-Blue
Equiluminance Random Dots When Viewing the Rim of a Column,Shinya Mochiduki,Ayaka
Nunomura,Hiroaki Kudo,Mitsuho Yamada,The Ninth International Workshop on
Image Media Quality and its Applications, IMQA2018,92-100,2018
82 Development of a wireless eye movement measurement device and gaze analysis
during sports,Takuya Sarugaku,Reiko Koyama,YasuyoshiKobayashi,Jun Lee,Yasuaki
Matsumoto,Mitsuho Yamada,The Ninth International Workshop on Image Media
Quality and its Applications, IMQA2018,84-87,2018
MOVEMENT AND EYE MOVEMENT,Yuki Kurosawa, Miyuki Suganuma, Shinya Mochiduki,
Yuko Hoshino, Mitsuho Yamada,The Ninth International Workshop on Image
Media Quality and its Applications, IMQA2018,62-68,2018
AND SACCADES,Takahide Ohtomo,hinya Mochiduki, Yuko Hoshino, Mitsuho Yamada,The
Ninth International Workshop on Image Media Quality and its Applications,
85 A New Gaze Analysis Method During Playing Sport Using the High Definition
of the 4K Picture,Takuya Sarugaku,Reiko Koyama,Yasuyoshi Kobayashi,Shinya
Mochiduki,Mitsuho Yamada,VHFp5 - 3,1109-1112,IDW'18,2018
86 Proposal and Application of Evaluation Method in Health Condition Evaluation
System by Eye Movement and Lips Movement,VHFp5 - 2,1105-1108,IDW'18,2018
87 Yuki Kurosawa、Shinya Mochiduki、Yuko Hoshino、Mitsuho Yamada, real time fatigue evaluation with standard deviation of
the gaze point during calculation task, APCV2019, 2019/7/30
88 Yuki Kurosawa、Miho Shinohara、Shinya Mochiduki、Yuko Hoshino、Mitsho Yamada, A Mental Fatigue Measurement System
based on Face Images, IDW'19, 2019/11/28
89 Yuki Kurosawa、Miho Shinohara、Shinya Mochiduki、Yuko Hoshino、Mitsuho Yamada, Fatigue estimation in the
calculation task based on eye movements and lip movements, Annual Conference on
Engineering and Applied Science, ACEAT, 2019/12/19
90 Tsanming Ou, Mitsuho Yamada, Tomoki Miyamoto, Yuki
Kurosawa, Yuko Hoshino, Takahide Otomo, Development of a System Which Can Teach
Users Gymnastics with Humanoid Robots, 2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on
Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 2019/10/15
91 Tomoki Miyamoto, Yuki Kurosawa, Tsanming Ou, Yuko Hoshino, Mitsuho Yamada,
Proposal of the Interactive Robot' Eyes to Realize Eye Contact Between
Human and a Robot, 2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics
(GCCE), 2019/10/17
92 Takahide
Otomo, Shinya Mochiduki, Eriko Ishii, Yuko Hoshino and Mitsuho Yamada, “Examination
of physiological evaluation by investigation of influence of movies on eye
movement and CFF,” APCV 2019 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, 2019.
93 Takahide
Otomo, Shinya Mochiduki, Eriko Ishii, Yuko Hoshino and Mitsuho Yamada, “Examination
of Video Watching with Low Load by Physiological Parameter Analysis,” 2019 IEEE
8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp.210-213, 2019
94 Takahide
Otomo, Shinya Mochiduki, Eriko Ishii, Yuko Hoshino and Mitsuho Yamada, “Examination
of Video Watching with Low Load by Physiological Parameter Analysis,” The 26th
International Display Workshop, INPp1-6L, pp.1114-1117, 2019
95 Tsanming
Ou, Tomoki
Miyamoto, Yuki Kurosawa, Takahide Otomo, Yuko Hoshino and Mitsuho
Yamada, “The
Application of a New Type of Depth Camera to Teach Gymnastics,” The 26th
International Display Workshop, 3Dp1/3DSAp1-30L, pp.1114-1117, 2019
96 R. Koyama,
S. Mochiduki, M. Yamada, “Influence of viewing position by changing display
resolution and display size,” The 8st IEEE Global Conference on Consumer
Electronics, 2019.
97 R.
Koyama, S. Mochiduki, M.Yamada, “The analysis of accommodation response and
convergence eye movement when viewing 8K images,” The International Workshop on
Image Media Quality and its Applications, 2020.
98 T. Sarugaku,
Y. Kobayashi, R. Koyama, S. Mochiduki, M. Yamada, “Proposal of new application
method of 4K editing technology to sports video.” The
8st IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2019
99 T.Sarugaku, R.Koyama,
Y.Kobayashi, S. Mochiduki, M.Yamada, “A New Athlete Performance Analysis Method
Using 4K Video and Wireless Eye Movement Measurement Device,” ITE, 2019
100 T. Sarugaku,
R. Koyama, Y. Kobayashi, S. Mochiduki, M. Yamada, “Analysis of the relationship
between eye movement and performance during dance rotation using a wireless eye
movement measurement device,” APCV, 2019.
101 Y
Kobayashi, S. Mochiduki, M. Yamada, “The Impact of “Surround Sound” on Eye and
Head Movement While Watching Moving Images”, 2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics
(GCCE 2019)
102 Y
Kobayashi, S. Mochiduki, M. Yamada, “The Impact of “Surround Sound ” on Eye and
Head Movement While Watching Moving
Imgae.” The 26st International Display Workshop, 2019
103 Takuya Sarugaku, Yasuyoshi Kobayashi, Reiko Koyama,
Shinya Mochiduki and Mitsuho Yamada, “A New Athlete Performance Analysis Method
Using 4KVideo and Wireless Eye Movement Measurement Device”, IDW’19, ITE and
SID, 2019/11/28, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36463/idw.2019.1239
and Mitsuho YAMADA, “Analyzing athletes and creating new video content
using a wireless eye-movement measurement device and 4K video”, IMQA2020, IEICE, 2020/3/12
105 Takuya Sarugaku, Mitsuho Yamada, “Analysis of
Badminton Players’ Eye Movements and Motions Using a Wireless Eye Movement
Measuring Device and Ultra High Definition Video”, 2020 IEEE 9th GCCE, IEEE,
2020/10/15-16, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/GCCE50665.2020.9291902
106 Yusuke Nosaka, Takuya Sarugaku, Shinya Mochiduki, Mitsuho
Yamada, “Proposal for a Database of Gaze Points When Looking at Paintings”, IDW’19,
ITE and SID, 2019/11/28, DOI: https://doi.org/10.36463/idw.2019.1226
107 Yusuke Nosaka, Takuya Sarugaku, Shinya Mochiduki, Yuko
Hoshino, Mitsuho Yamada, “Comparison for Gaze Point and Saliency Map When
Looking at Painting”, IMQA2020, IEICE, 2020/3/12
108 Miho Shinohara, Takuya Sarugaku, Mitsuho Yamada, “Analysis of Gaze PointDistribution
Affected by Observation Conditions When Viewing Video Clips”,2020 IEEE
9th GCCE, IEEE, 2020/10/15-16, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/GCCE50665.2020.9291747.
109 Yusuke Nosaka, Miho Shinohara, Kosuke Nomura, Takuya
Sarugaku, MitsuhoYamada, “A study on the minimum display time of characters at
the gazing point during reading”, 2020 IEEE 9th GCCE, IEEE, 2020/10/15-16, DOI:
110 Tomoki Miyamoto, Yuki Kurosawa, Tsanming Ou, Yuko Hoshino, Mitsuho Yamada, “DEVELOPMENT OF A CO-VIEWING
111 Tomoki Miyamoto, Tsanming Ou, Yuko Hoshino, Mitsuho Yamada, “Development of an
Interactive Robot for More Natural Communication”, 2020 IEEE 9th GCCE, IEEE, 2020/10/15-16, DOI: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9291842
112 Tsanming Ou, Tomoki Miyamoto, Yuki
Kurosawa, Takahide
Otomo, Yuko Hoshino, Mitsuho Yamada,“A NEW ROBOT/DEPTH CAMERA
113 Tsanming Ou, Tomoki Miyamoto, Haruka
Ohsuga, Yuko Hoshino, Mitsuho Yamada, “Development of a System to
Teach Users Gymnastics with Humanoid Robots”, 2020 IEEE 9th GCCE, IEEE, 2020/10/15-16, DOI: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9292075
114 Miho Shinohara,Yuki Kurosawa,Takahide Otomo,Shinya Mochiduki,Yuko Hoshino,Mitsuho Yamada,“ANALYSIS OF HEALING EFFECTS PROVIDED BY
115 Miho SHINOHARA, Yuko Hoshino, Mitsuho Yamada,“ Analysis of Healing Effects Caused by Changes inDisplay Resolution Using
Biosensors, SenSys,pp.661-662, 2020
116 Miho Shinohara,Eriko Ishii,Mitsuho Yamada,Yuko Hoshino,“Comparison of Healing Effect on Biomedical Signals
by the Difference of Color Gamut and Dynamic Range When Viewing Nature Images”,Global Conference on Consumer
Electronics, 2021
117 Yusuke Nosaka, Miho Shinohara, Kosuke Nomura, Takuya Sarugaku and Mitsuho Yamada,A study on the minimum display time of characters at the gazing point during
reading”,2020 IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE2020), 684-687
118 2Yusuke Nosaka, Eriko Ishii, Mitsuho Yamada and Yuko Hoshino,“Proposal for a saliency map based on the focal points of a painting”,
2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE2021), 37-40,2021
119 Yusuke Nosaka, Yuko Hoshino and Mitsuho Yamada,“Demo Abstract: Analysis of Gaze Points When Looking at Paintings and Saliency
Map to Improve the Accuracy of ROI (Region of Interest)”, .SCMSensys'20, Nov, 2020
120 Liu Jing, Kanji Kitahama, Mitsuhiro Yamata,
Yuko Hoshino, Basketball Foul Model and Judgment System Proposal, pp.452-455, 2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference
on Consumer Electronics,2021
121 Taiga Mori, Takahide Otomo, Yusuke Nosaka, Eriko Ishii, Yuko Hoshino,
Mitsuho Yamada: Development of a Web Browsing Support System Using Eye
Movements, 2020 IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, pp.714-718,
2020, DOI: 10.1109/GCCE50665.2020.9291941
122 Taiga Mori, Takahide Otomo, Eriko Ishii, Yuko Hoshino, Mitsuho Yamada:
Proposal of an Interest Word Presentation System when Browsing the Web Using Eye Movements, In The 18th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, pp.631-632, 2020 DOI: 10.1145/3384419.3430420
123 Taiga Mori, Takahide Otomo, Yusuke Nosaka, Eriko Ishii, Yuko Hoshino,
Mitsuho Yamada: Development of a Web Browsing Support System Using Gaze
Information, The 27th International Display Workshop, INPp1-2, pp.953-956,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36463/idw.2020.0953
124 Taiga Mori, Mitsuho Yamada, Yuko Hoshino: Development of a Related
Tourism Information Provision System Using Traveler's Gaze Information,
4th International Conference on Tourism Research 2021(ICTR’21), IRT-012,
125 Taiga Mori, Eriko Ishii, Mitsuho Yamada, Yuko Hoshino: Development and Evaluation of a System for Presenting Information Related to Web Pages Based on the User’s Gaze, The 28th International Display Workshop, INPp1-1L, pp.1026-1029, 2021
126 Taiga Mori, Eriko Ishii, Mitsuho Yamada, Yuko Hoshino: Development
of a Tourist Information Search Support System That Reflects Interests
Based on User's Gaze, 5th International Conference on Tourism Research
2022 (ICTR’22), IRT-034, pp561-567, 2022
DOI: 10.34190/ictr.15.1.152
127 Shimul Rakibul Hasan, Eriko Ishii1, Mitsuho Yamada, Yuko Hoshino,Extracting
Information from Social Networking Service about Sightseeing Locations,PROCEEDINGS
128 Kanji Kitahama, Takuya Sarugaku and Mitsuho Yamada, Realization of
Highly Realistic Broadcast that Includes the Eye Movements of Basketball
Players, icSPORTS20-RP-35, 2020
129 Yuko Hoshino, Eriko Ishii, Yuta Nakamura, Takahide Ohtomo, Mitsuho
MODELS FOR IMAGE CLASSIFICATION,The Tenth International Workshop on Image
Media Quality and its Applications, IMQA2020,OS3-3-1-3-3-7,March 12-13,
130 Kanji Kitahama, Kento Nakajima, Shunsuke Hashimoto, Teruyuki Ebisawa,Takuya
Sarugaku, and Mitsuho Yamada,AN ANALYSIS ON BASKETBALL PLAYER’S EYE MOVEMENTS,,The Tenth International Workshop on Image Media Quality and its Applications, IMQA2020, OS2-2-1-2-2-6, March 12-13, 2020