With the spread of electronic books and compact tablets, the available
display styles vary greatly compared with the medium of paper. Small tablets
and digital books are used widely and in all kinds of situations, especially
during passenger commutes on the bus or train. We have paid attention to
the focusing characteristics of the crystalline lens. At the same time,
we examined convergence which is important movement to perceive depth as
well as accommodation. We developed an experimental device that measures
the lens accommodation and convergence eye movement simultaneously and
can be combined with equipment that moves a small tablet or a digital book
linearly in the depth direction. In previous experiments [1], we compared accommodation and convergence
in association with changing the font, font size and display medium. The
results suggested that accommodation is font dependent. In contrast, no
typical tendency was found for convergence. In the present study [2], we
experimented by newly adding organic EL as a display medium. We also investigated
whether accommodation and convergence showed any dependence on the display
medium. From the measurement results for organic EL, focusing tended to
almost match the visual target in the case of distant vision and convergence
tended to match with a location slightly more distant than the visual target.
In the case of near vision, although convergence had a tendency to
almost match the visual target, accommodation showed great variation among
subjects, and no consistent trend was observed. In the case of other media,
since the results for near vision and distant vision showed large variation
and the results varied greatly between subjects, no typical tendency was
found. In the comparison among the media, a tendency was observed for the
accommodation error to be small when the organic EL was used.
References 1)Y. Yokoyama et al., Analysis of change of accommodation and
convergence dependence on the display methods when a target moves along
the depth direction, IMQA2014
2)Y. Yokoyama et al., Analysis of the dependence of accommodation and convergence
on the display method when a target moves in the depth direction,IDW2014
