Lines of sight of the left eye are indicated by yellow numbers.
Lines of sight of the right eye are indicated by green numbers.Number indicates the order of lines of sight.
Sports science is attracting new attention with the Tokyo Olympics and
Paralympics near at hand in 2020. It is thought that analyzing gaze movement
during sports may provide insight into exceptional athletic skill. For
gaze analysis during sports, particularly those sports in which the athlete
moves vigorously, a wireless eye movement measurement device is indispensable.
Recenltly a comact and easy-to-wear eye movement measuring device was put
into practical use, however the equipment cannot be operated after measurement
starts. For athletes with intense movement, the calibration may be shifted
during an experiment. Ideally the experimenter would be able to control
the equipment remotely during measurement. We develpoped a wireless eye
movement measurement device capable of being controlling remotely while
the athelete wears it [1-3].
(1) New Gaze Analysis Method During Playing Sport Using the High Definition
of the 4K Picture,Takuya Sarugaku,Reiko Koyama,Yasuyoshi Kobayashi,Shinya
Mochiduki,Mitsuho Yamada,VHFp5 -3,1109-1112,IDW'18,2018
(2) Examination of a Skill Sampling Method of an Athlete Using the Athlete's
Movement and Eye Movement for the Development of an AI Coach,ASTESJ Vol.
5, No. 5, 1204-1213, 2020, Takuya Sarugaku, Jun Lee, Yasuaki Matsumoto,
(3)Proposal of New Sports Video Expression using 8K Video by Simultaneous
Analysis of Four Players,SCITEPRESS 2020, 53-63,Takuya Sarugaku, Kanji
Kitahama and Mitsuho Yamada, DOI:
Development of a wireless eye movement measurement device
and gaze analysis during sports
Fig. 2. The developed device as worn (the
eye movement measuring device is in the backpack)