The oculomotor ability and the visual chacteristics to the rapidly moving picture
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@We are researching how to reproduce high-definition and high-fidelity moving images. For this purpose, we have developed eye-movement analysis equipment, which can acquire eye movement data while a subject is viewing moving images. Using this equipment, we have analyzed the eye movement characteristics of various sports players, who are considered to have precise visual acuity for moving objects, while they were pursuing a moving target on the screen. From this experiment, we thought that we could select subjects who have superior eye-movement characteristics and whose results could thus clarify the conditions for improving moving images to have much higher definition and higher fidelity.
Experimental procedure
Figure1 Experimental Sequence
The presentation sequence of the moving target is shown in Figure 1 and
Figure 2.
1) To reduce the offset of the eye location, we let the subject gaze
at a small circle in the center of the display for a few seconds. ( (1)
in Fig.1 )
2) To allow the subject to relax and blink before the experiment,
a gray screen was displayed for a few seconds. ( (2) in Fig.1 )
3)A small circle, which indicated the starting point of a moving target,
was presented on either the left or right side of the display as well as
the beep sound; the subject was then instructed to gaze at the circle.
( (3) in Fig.1 )
4)After 1 second, a moving target was presented. ( (4) in Fig.1 )
5) An original target was replaced with the spatial frequency image
for a given short time with random timing while the target was moving.
( (5) in Fig.1 )
an original target moves toward its destination. ( (6) in Fig.1 )