1.Quantitative Evaluation of Eye Movements as Judged by Sight-Line Displacements, SMPTE Journal, Vol.95, No.12 pp.1230-1241 1986 T.Fukuda
2.Eye Word Processor (EWP) and Peripheral Controller for the ALS Patient, IEE Proceedings@ A, Vol.134, No.4 pp.328-330 1987 T.Fukuda
3.Development of a Real-Time Analyser for Depth Perception Using Convergence, Proceedings of SID, Vol.28, No.3 pp.263-267 1987 T.Hasegawa, H.Isono, M.Yasuda
4.Definition of Gazing Point for Picture Analysis and its applications, Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.18, No.8. 1987 Tadahiko Fukuda
5.Cognitive Disturbances in Visual Information Processing in Alzheimerfs Disease: Analysis by Means of Vision Analyzer, Vision, Memory, and the Temporal Lobe, Elsevier Science Publishing Co. 179-185(1990) Mitsuru Fujii, Ryo Fukatsu, Yuji Aizawa, Naohiko Takahata, Tadahiko Fukuda, Shinji Murakami
6.A New Sight-line Displacements Analyser and Its Application to TV Program Production SMPTE Journal, Vol.99, No.1 pp.16-26 1990 T.Fukuda
7.Development of an Eye Movement Analyzer Possessing Functions for Wireless Transmission@and Auto Calibration, Medical and Biological Engineering & Computing,28,pp.317-324 1990 T.Fukuda, M.Hirota
8.Analysis of Head Movement in the Depth Direction and Vergence Eye Movement,
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9.Analysis of Gaze Shift in Depth in Alzheimerfs Disease Patients, IEICE
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10.Analysis of Head and Eye Coordination in Patients with Alzheimerfs Disease,
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11.Head and Eye Coordination Analysis and a New Gaze Analyzer Developed
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13.Analysis of the Camerawork of Broadcasting Cameraman, SMPTE Journal,
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1. Flickerless 3-D Laser Video Disc System, Television Technology in Transition, pp.95-106(1988) T.Hioki, T.Toyama, Y.Morita, H.Watanabe, H.Isono, M.Yasuda, H.Kusaka
2. A New Eye Movement Analyzer: Auto Calibration and Wireless Transmission, IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society 11th annual International Conference, Biomechanics of Posture and Seating (1989) Tadahiko Fukuda, Mitsuo Hirota
3. Objective Evaluation of the Feeling of Depth in 2D or 3D Images Using the Convergence Angle of the Eyes, SPIE Vol. 1453 Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital DisplayU, pp.51-57(1991)
4. Quality factors of hand-written characters based on human visual perception, SPIE Vol. 1453 Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital DisplayU, pp.43-50(1991), Takahito KATO
5. Binocular eye movement in the case of showing a moving stimulus to one eye only, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Eye Movements, Kenya Uomori
6. New Gaze Analyzer which considers both Head and Eye Movement and Its Application to Eye and Head Coordination Analysis, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Eye Movements, pp.106-107
7. Analysis of Eye Movement in Visual Search, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Eye Movements, Hitoshi Hongo, Keiichi Ueno
8. A Fractal Dimension Analysis of Binocular Miniaure Eye Movement Drift Components, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Eye Movements, Hiroshi Yoshimatsu
9. Factors@Determining the Quality of Han-Written Characters Analysed by the Difference of the Scan Paths, Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Eye Movements, Takahito Kato
10.The Disorganization of Visual Cognitive Function in Patients with Alzheimerfs Disease (AD)- Comparative Study of AD with Developing Children, Alzheimerfs Disease: Biochemistry and Clinical Studies, Society for Neroscience Abstracts, Vol.16, 120.10, p.283(1990) M.Fujii, S.Murakami, J.Miyazawa, R.Fukatsu, N.Nakano, Y.Aizawa, T.Saito, N.Takahata, T.Fukuda
11.Eye-Head Coordination while viewing a Target on a Two-Dimensional Plane, , Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol.13, No.5, pp.2159-2161, 1991
12.The Significance of Viewing Time in the Visual Fixation Process, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol.13, No.5, pp.2156-2158, 1991 H.Hongo
13.High Dimensional Chaos of Miniature Eye Movements, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol.13, No.4, pp.1513-1515, 1991 H.Yoshimatsu
14.Binocular Fixation-point Shifts Induced by a Limb Oclussion, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol.14, pp.1670-1671, 1992 Hiroaki Kudo, Kenya Uomori, Noboru Ohnishi, Noboru Sugie
15.The Retinal Camera with the Function of Showing Stable Stimuli on the Same Position of the Retina, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol.14, pp.1672-1673, 1992, Takahito Kato
16.Visuo-Constructional@Disturbance in Patients with Alzheimerfs Disease, Society for Neroscience Abstracts, 306.18, Vol.18,1992, M.Fujii, S.Murakami, R.Fukatsu, N.Nakano, N.Takahata, T.Ishikane
17.Characteristics of Gazing eye movement for different depth targets in patients with Alzheimerfs Disease, Society for Neroscience Abstracts, 306.5, Vol.18,1992, K.Uomori, H.Yoshimatsu, M.Fujii, S.Murakami, R.Fukatsu, N.Takahata, M.Watanabe
18.Visuo-spatial-language function in the patients with Alzheimerfs disease, Third International Conference on Alzheimerfs Disease, Vol.13, Supplement1, Pergamon Press,31, S8 (1992), Fujii.M., Nakano N., Fukatsu R., Murakami S., Miyazawa J., Takahata N., Ueno.K., Fukuda.T., Hayashi. S.
19.Disorganized eye and head coordination system in the patients with Alzheimerfs disease, Third International Conference on Alzheimerfs Disease, Vol.13, Supplement1, Pergamon Press, 528, S24 (1992), Utsumi.K., Murakami.S., Fujii.M., Fukatsu R., Nakano N., Miyazawa J., Takahata N., Hongo H., Uomori K., Yoshimatsu H., Ueno k.
20.Disorgnized eye movement during copying in Alzheimerfs Disease related to head position, Third International Conference on Alzheimerfs Disease, Vol.13, Supplement1, Pergamon Press, 529, S24 (1992), Murakami S., Fujii M., Fukatsu R., Miyazawa J., Nakano N., Utsumi K., Hayashi S., Takahata N., Uomori K., Hongo H., Yoshimatsu H., Ueno K., Fukuda T.
21.Eye-head coordination in patients with Alzheimerfs disease, XXV International Congress of Psychology, International Journal of Psychology, Vol.27, Issues3 and 4 , IN079.7, pp.394, June/August(1992), Utsumi K., Murakami S., Hongo H., Fujii M., Nakano N., Fukatsu R., Takahata N.
22.Effects of visual cognition (stimuli) and visual memory on drawing cube in patients with Alzheimerfs disease, XXV International Congress of Psychology, International Journal of Psychology, Vol.27, Issues3 and 4 , IN081.6, pp.398, June/August(1992), Murakami S., Nakano N., Miyazwa J., Fukatsu R., Takahata N.
23.Head position and eye movements during copying in patients with Alzheimerfs Disease, XXV International Congress of Psychology, International Journal of Psychology, Vol.27, Issues3 and 4 , IN081.10, pp.398, June/August(1992), Murakami S., Fujii M., Fukatsu R., Nakano N., Miyazawa J., Takahata N.
24.Integral three-dimensional video system, Three-Dimensional Video and Display: Devices and Systems, Critical Reviews of Optical Science and Technology, Vol. CR76, pp.90-116(2000), Fumio Okano, Haruo Hoshino, Jun Arai, Ichiro Yuyama
25.Integral 3D
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26.M.Saito, M.Yamada:Development of eye-movement analysis equipment for clarifying
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27.M.Saito, Y.Ogata, M.Yamada:Clarification of Eye Movement and Visibility
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28.Y.Ogata, M.Saito, A.Sakamoto, M.Yamada: Percpetion of the Digitally
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29.H. Torii, Y. Shiota, M. Yamada: Develpoment of the Bi-directional interactive
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31 A.Sakamoto, M.Yamada: Development of the Driver support system extracting
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